I’m Speaking at Heartifacts!

Want to see me bring my blog posts to life? You’re going to get your chance in August! I’m officially speaking about my career shift from full-time development to product in an upcoming talk that I’m calling, “Keeping It Human: Swapping Code for Connections.” This talk will be based on my blog post for Cooper… Continue reading

The Door to Systemic Change is Open. Why Now?

Just over two weeks have passed since George Floyd was murdered by police in Minneapolis, marking yet another case of police brutality in the United States, which disproportionally affects people of color and specifically Black people. We’ve known these devastating statistics because 2019 marked the fourth year in a row that police fatally shot an… Continue reading

WFH During A Pandemic

I was recently asked how COVID-19 impacted my work life and what types of thoughts I have for folks that are navigating this ordeal. Before I dive into my answer, I want to first highlight my bias: I am a full-time, in-office employee that has wanted to see a hybrid work model while revisiting how… Continue reading

Social Distancing Debrief: 2 Week Mark

Hi yes hello! I went on a break, as forewarned, because it’s all so clear that we’re in for AT LEAST another month of this and daily updates were getting daunting. Plus? Quite honestly? Doing a daily analysis of this mess was an extra damper on the already devastating reality. So I opted to pull… Continue reading

Social Distancing Debrief: Day 9

…What day is it? SERIOUSLY, though. I had to start this post by renaming the previous post, as I screwed up the count due to having ZERO CLUE what day it is. ONLY TO REALIZE I HAD IT RIGHT. Fawk. I’m so lost. Doesn’t matter. Let’s get to it. WFH in Action Another Tuesday —… Continue reading

Social Distancing Debrief: Day 8

And we’re back! I opted to take a weekend off to a.) absorb WTF this week was and b.) just take a breather from thinking about the numbers. My prediction about the past two days being the “shit hit the fan” moment was wrong, but I fear that it’s looming in this week given the… Continue reading

‘Rona Rosie: A New Hero Emerges in the Year of Rosie the Riveter’s Death

For those that don’t know me, I kinda have a thing for Rosie the Riveter. She’s been a staple in my life and the representation of an attitude I like to carry. The passing of Rosalind P. Walter this month, the original Rosie, hit me like a brick and made me grateful about the symbols… Continue reading

Social Distancing Debrief: Day 5

Holy kapoots! One work week down. What a whirlwind. I’m more adjusted to the work routine, but my prediction about the next couple of days being pivotal is, unfortunately, looking rather accurate. Bleh. We’ll get to that. WFH in Action Lots more meetings today and noticing that the spectrum of work attitudes is quite vast… Continue reading

Social Distancing Debrief: Day 4

Nearly slept through all four of my alarms this morning and felt fuzzy most of the day. I think this table-flipped routine is catching up with me. Even now, I’m writing this at 1:05AM and I just…need to go to sleep? Odd day. Let’s do this. WFH in Action My network was tanking a lot… Continue reading

Social Distancing Debrief: Day 3

Today was #OnesieWednesday so I was already confident about being a bit more upbeat while we continue this isolation fun. Who gets mopey in a Link onesie anyways? Also, I played a small part in an piece for Rochester City Newspaper called, “Hunkering Down: Coping with the new normal of coronavirus.” I highlighted how gaming… Continue reading