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SciELO Colombia- Scientific Electronic Library Online

Scientific Electronic Library Online
journals evaluation


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Publishing statistics
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 SciELO    SciELO (scientific electronic library online) is a virtual library for Latin-America, the Caribbean, Spain and Portugal.

It consists of a network operating in two fields:

  • Regional collections (SciELO Brazil, SciELO Chile, SciELO Cuba, SciELO Colombia, etc.), having regular operation sites in each country and developing initiatives.
  • Thematic areas (SciELO public health).
SciELO Colombia is an electronic library covering a select collection of scientific Colombian journals from all areas of knowledge. SciELO Colombia has a National Consultative Committee consisting of Colciencias (Instituto Colombiano para el Desarrollo de la Ciencia y la Tecnología “Francisco José de Caldas”), the Pan-American Health Organisation (Colombia), the Universidad Nacional de Colombia and the editors' representatives.

The library forms part of a project being developed by FAPESP (Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo) in collaboration with BIREME (Centro Latinoamericano y del Caribe de Información en Ciencias de la Salud). The FAPESP/BIREME project envisages developing a common methodology for preparing, storing, disseminating and evaluating scientific literature in electronic form.

The webpage is designed for enabling access to SciELO's network of sites. Searches can be made of SciELO's existing collections covering the whole network or just a particular country.

 about this site   

SciELO Colombia seeks to improve Colombian scientific publications' quality and visibility and spread SciELO's methodology for electronic publications. A national programme has thus been developed for improving serialised publications and training courses re SciELO methodology.

The site's object is to implement an electronic library providing complete access to collections of journals and the complete text of articles. Journals and articles can be accessed by using search indices and forms.

The SciELO Colombia site forms part of the FAPESP/BIREME project aimed at applying methodologies which the project is currently developing. The Instituto de Salud Pública at the Universidad Nacional de Colombia has been instrumental in providing TIC resources for implementing the site.

The site will be constantly updated both in form and content, according to the project's advancements.


On gaining access to the SciELO Colombia collection library, a user will find an interface presenting journals listed alphabetically by title, an index of materials, a key word search, the names of publishers, city of publication and material.

The interface also provides access to the full text of articles via author index or subject index, or by a search form on article elements such as author names, words from title, subject, words from the full text and publication year.

A set of links enables calling the page corresponding to the result of a search.

Click an hypertext link at the top to call the corresponding access page.


Creative Commons License All the contents of, except where otherwise noted, is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License

SciELO Colombia- Scientific Electronic Library Online
Universidad Nacional de Colombia
Facultad de Medicina, Aulas de Informatica - Sala D
Carrera 30 No. 45-03, Edificio 471, Bogota - Colombia
Phone: +57 1 3165000 Ext. 15166
Fax: +57 1 3165000 Ext. 15207